What is the Role of ICT for Disaster Management in Indonesia?
By: Nana Sutisna
Beside the disaster affected by natural process (Natural Disaster), the disaster potential in
In Environmental Look WALHI 2003 was revealed that
Natural Disaster in Indonesia (1998-2003)
Type | The Number of even | Human Victims | Loss (juta rupiah) |
Flood | 302 | 1066 | 191.312 |
Landslide | 245 | 645 | 13.928 |
Earthquake | 38 | 306 | 100.000 |
Volcanoes | 16 | 2 | n.a |
Strom | 46 | 3 | 4.015 |
Total | 647 | 2022 | |
Source: Bakornas PB
In Indonesia disaster still continue in 2004, beginning by the earthquake in Alor NTT, Papua and tsunami in Aceh in the and 2004 destroy all the life sector and killed 220, 000 people. While Indonesia still rehabilited the life affected by tsunami in Aceh soon the coming earthquake happen in Yogyakarta in the mid of 2006 also kill 3098 people and destroy 3824 building, infrastructure and cut the telecommunication network.
The Importance of Disaster Management
The impact is affected by the disaster is giving loss to the people. The losses not only material but also mentality that affected the long trauma in to the lowest point to be pessimistic life or the low quality of life. Impact and losses the human resource quality is the most threaten of human being, shortly that disaster can affect the need access of human life closed and soon decreasing the quality of human life.
Natural disaster can happen accidentally or through long process. In the different disaster like earthquake almost impossible predicted accurately where and when it happen and the frequency of rectare, but some others disaster still can predict and estimate like flood, volcano eruption and landslide. Although we can predict the disaster even always give the surprise impact that affected much losses of material and people. In the sustainability of human life quality by minimizing of the impact that affected by disaster so that is needed and disaster management strategy. Is known as disaster management. Principally the disaster management can give the preparations to anticipate the hazard and risk so that it can minimize the material risk and victim.
This is one can affect the big impact if the disaster happen are 4 factors;
- the less of understanding of the hazard characteristic
- Attitude and practice that can decrease the quality of natural resources (vulnerability)
- Less of information or early warning because of not prepared
- Disability in anticipating the hazard
The 4 factors above give the high influence to the risk of the disaster. The factors are something could be loss by good disaster management. The good disaster management by managing disaster to eliminate the factors to make the risk to become lower.
The disaster management is an effort to reduce the disaster risk by doing the holistic activity is done related to the cycle of disaster management so every phase could be done by some activity to minimize risk of the disaster happen.
Source: http://www.apdip.net/publications/iespprimers/eprimer-dm.pdf
The phases of the disaster management cycle, which are described as follows:
- Mitigation: any activity that reduces either the chance of a hazard taking place or a hazardturning into disaster.
- Risk reduction: anticipatory measures and actions that seek to avoid future risks as a resultof a disaster.
- Prevention: avoiding a disaster even at the eleventh hour.
- Preparedness: plans or preparations made to save lives or property, and help the responseand rescue service operations. This phase covers implementation/operation, early warning systems and capacity building so the population will react appropriately when an early warning is issued.
- Response: includes actions taken to save lives and prevent property damage, and topreserve the environment during emergencies or disasters. The response phase is the implementation of action plans.
- Recovery: includes actions that assist a community to return to a sense of normalcy aftera disaster.
Disaster management (also called disaster risk management) is the discipline that involves preparing, warning, supporting and rebuilding societies when natural or man-made disasters occur. It is the continuous process by which all individuals, groups and communities manage hazards in an effort to avoid or minimize the impact of disasters resulting from hazards. Effective disaster management relies on thorough integration of emergency plans at all levels of government and non-government involvement. Activities at each level (individual, group, community) affect the other levels.[5]
Daniel stauffacher and Sanjana Hottotuwa said; disaster management is an imperfect science. It is impossible to predict accurately when and where disaster will occur. The Hazard that area rife in
Disaster management can’t separate an sich to solving problem, but must be integrated with other discipline, one of is a Information and communication Technology. Tsunami even at the and 2004 had emphasized other component for more integrated disaster management with ICT, Since the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) together with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have taken initiatives to study the current situation of emergency communications in the Asia-Pacific countries and to give recommendation on national emergency telecommunication and national early warning system setups. For Indonesian Government ICT have a significant role if reflection on 2004 Aceh Tsunami experience, thousand of victim make disaster response must be quick action, the damage of infrastructure make management handling is not easy, but ICT has can give the most practical evacuation in Indonesia history. With the mini and practical satellite hardware, evacuation process, giving donation and monitoring of the disaster victim is to be practical to do.
The role of ICT on disaster management in
Disaster Management try to reduce disaster impact, in the first step roe of ICT is in Early Warning system, its very significant because all that related with EWS in disaster doing with the technology tools so that can help people in disaster preparedness.
ICT tools which support disaster management is GIS. Before disaster come, GIS is used for managing the large volumes of data needed for the hazard and risk assessment, and in the preparedness phase it a tool for a planning of evacuation routes. In the relief phase, GIS is extremely useful in combination with GPS in search and rescue in area that have been devastated and where is difficult to orientate. The others tool is a remote sensing, it used for make a hazard and risk modeling for Disaster, remote sensing based early warning system for natural disaster and it can be use to damage assessment using satellite and airborne sensor. Satellite is a important tools on ICT, and use for disaster management in phase preparedness and response. Satellite used for emergency communication, hazard forecasting, EWS and monitoring. Satellite also used for information exchange about disaster. Other tools in ICT like; internet, television, hand phone, community radio, and sirens it’s very significant to help people in Disaster management for reducing disaster impact.[7]
ICT in Indonesia Disaster management can be used in all phase disaster management, because
Base on experience to face disaster that happen in
[1] Disaster is situation and condition will happen people life. Depend on cover area, disaster can change term of life and normal condition people, eliminate material and human, damage social structure and affected the increase basic needs (Bakornas PB) Idep Foundation, “Panduan Umum Penanggulangan Bencana untuk Masyarakat, Bali, 2004.
[2] The data about Volcanoes in
[3] Yayat Ruchiat, researcher from Center for International forestry Research (CIFOR), in the research paper with he title “Penyebab dan dampak Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan” to analyze forest fire that main factor cuase by fire affected from shifting cuktivatian activity and illegal logging.
[4] www.walhi.or.id in the article “Sejuta Bencana Terencana Di Indonesia” accses on date 1 July 2008.
[5] http://www.apdip.net/publications/iespprimers/eprimer-dm.pdf, Chanuka Watagemma, “ICT for Disaster Management”. Access 1 July 2008.
[6]http://www.ict4peace.org/view_files-1-v-135.html, Commonwealth Ministers handbook ‘ICT for Disaster management in the Asia-pacific region”. Access in 30 June 2008.
[7] Er.A.K. Sabat, “Application of ICT in Disaster management-An Overview”
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